Usability Institue Logo- A bolt that can be fastened with any of 4 tools
Reducing Training to Its Sensible Minimum: Zero...
Inexpensive, Independent Usability Consulting by Jack Bellis
Home Page- List of All Content Home Page- All content, in date order Resources: page describing tools you can use Morsels: just our short articles and blurbs Just our Before&After Articles Just our Before&After Articles About: details on who I am and what I do Address, phone, number,  and so on
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Solve-It Yourself

I find more UI challenges than I can possibly include on our Before & After page, so there's only one thing to do... get you to do the "after" versions. So here it is our ongoing log of unsolved UI problems. Maybe it will be useful for a school project.

Send me your solutions!

2003-Dec-21: Ebay's "Completed Items" Search


"My interest in usability arose from the pain and tears of patching the wounds of suffering interface designs with the inadequate bandages of help files and user guides." — Daniel Cohen
Contact me for a FREE usability review!

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