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Review of Ascend Resources' "Involve Tracking", a GenericDB Application


Congratulations! This is a free usability review from "Usability" refers to how easy and effective it is to use a Web site. Although it involves how a site looks (graphic artwork), it is primarily concerned with how a site works, what you click on, what happens, and whether the site does its job.

  • Perhaps this review is all you need to improve your site. If that's the case, great. Please mention if you talk with others who need help with their site. (Bookmark this site)
  • On the other hand, if you would like to put some of these recommendations into action on your site, or get a more detailed analysis, contact us.


Involve is a suggestion system based on GenericDB, a free database framework for Microsoft ASP technology. I use it on my own and This is a great opportunity because most of my recommmendations apply to many GenericDB sites, my own included. Because most of the recommendations require intermediate coding, it's not a simple matter of text changes... otherwise I could cite my own site as a glowing model, but I can't. It's also been hard to separate myself enough to see some of the issues, the classic perspective problem for developers.

So with that introduction, here's my review. It's entirely graphical since that's the most direct way to put the recommendations in context. Two notes: I saved the main page until last, and the functionality to add a suggestion was "out of scope" for the review.

The recommendations are presented and worded very briefly—for the owner of the site, and graphics from other sites are overlayed for reference. They might take a little studying for others to understand.

Hope this helps and let me know what you think,
Jack Bellis,




The End

Contact me for a This is your FREE usability review! Contact me for help making the corrections.

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