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Inexpensive, Independent Usability Consulting by Jack Bellis
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GenericUI Collapsing Outline

"Smart Folding Menu Tree" by Dynamic Drive

We want to point out that the menu technique shown here is NOT property of Visit for this script and a lot more great code.


The menu functionality below is at

We don't want to duplicate the content or value provided at Dynamic Drive, but in case you have trouble getting to their site, here are the basic steps. You can see and save the images and all of the scripts directly from this page, either right-clicking images or viewing source.

  1. Expand the first folder, above, and copy the three images to your development folder.
  2. Save the header script and the CSS styles adjacent to it.
  3. Copy the outline code right where it's needed and edit it.
  4. If you want persistence of the outline expansion when the page is revisited, copy the cookie script. Make sure it is AFTER the outline.


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