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GenericUI, Application Gallery
Examples of Functional Sites on the Web

Application Details
Restaurant Reservations, e-commerce for logistical (time, space, people) functionality.

Reserve a table at a restaurant. The Reservation Page is where the functionality starts.

Check purchasing, typical e-commerce for a customized product.

Good example of options and many steps. Important design because they must make the process as easy as possible or you'll go to another vendor. You can see a lot of functional pages without committing. Notice how they handle the classic Add/Edit/Delete choices once you've got a table of items to deal with.

Search engine service, one long, complex application page.

This is a service that enables you to provide a Search capability on your website, and really has to accommodate complex user benefits without causing a support nightmare. Free for basic use, so you can use the functionality end-to-end without committment! This is one of my favorite sites because it flies in the face of the dumb notion that long pages are a no-no.

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